Sunday, February 16, 2014

The Sunday Scoop #2

Hello everyone! Happy Valentines Weekend!

If you noticed I have been a little scarce from the blog lately. To be honest, I do feel very guilty about it. But hear me out! I have started an exercise regime and have been on a health kick for the past month. Not to make excuses but on top of work and chores, going to the gym pretty much everyday is time consuming!

But you know what, it was time for me to get my fitness issues sorted out anyway. I have been lacking energy and just feeling lethargic in general and since I became active again, I can already tell the difference. Mind you there are days when I'm so tired from work that the last thing I want to do is to head to the gym straight from work but a girl has to do what a girl's gotta do. My husband has been very understanding with all this and has been helping me out a lot with house stuff. To make this long story short, this meant that I had less time for everything else, including this blog. I'm so sorry! >_<

So anyway, here I am. I need to plan better and get my post schedule sorted. I promise I will try my best! 

There are three things that I just want to point out. Let's call it advice to those who are / who want to start going to the gym.

1. Go straight from work. Or even before work. Chances are if you went home, the idea of leaving the warmth and comfiness again is too much and you won't go. Just do it.

2. Pre-cook all the meals for the week. Life saver and time saver.

3. Have a workout buddy. In my case I got a trainer. Trust me, the idea of disappointing her  by not doing my "assignments" and then trying to explain it to her the next week is too scary. Plus all that money wasted. No, just no. Just have someone who will make you accountable and you will go. 

Anywho, my little angels. I am putting up this post as I enjoy a bit of time away from responsibilities! Currently, I am at Niagara Falls celebrating Valentines Day / Family Day.

Hope you are having lots of fun spending time with loved ones! 


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